Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to Work - Back to Real Life

SO......What a busy week. Monday, August 20th was Bentley's 4th birthday!! I can't believe he is 4. It truly does go by quickly. He was so happy and loved opening his presents. It's funny as they get older, birthdays get more fun and they begin to ask for things. He really, really wanted a Captain America themed birthday, so we did the best we could. Cace was amazing about it being Bentley's birthday. He kept saying, "Happy Birthday Bent." He didn't even try to open any of his presents, he just watched and enjoyed the moment. We also went miniature golfing (glow in the dark), with just our family. It was fun.

I also went back to work this week. On Tuesday morning I cried. We were all in the bathroom as I was getting ready and Bryce was holding Jane and I just couldn't hold back the tears. I've been home with Jane for 5 months (almost) with a few work outings here and there and I'm sad to return to work full-time. I'm grateful for a great job - but who ever really wants to go back, right?!

Then Thursday was Bentley's 4-year well child check. He's growing big and strong....he got his pre-K shots. He was so brave. I took his pictures in the cute little Looney Toons gown. He was posing left and right, I love that little guy. Cace is as fun as ever. He's funny and creative and very, very busy. As you can see from the picture posted, he runs and moves and literally is so tired he falls asleep with a sucker in his mouth. I love my little ones. They keep me busy, but I truly can't imagine my life without them. Posted just for my parents, here's a video of Jane. It's her first taste of carrots and she is LOVING them!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Busy Week..

So last week was pretty busy. Bryce and I kicked it off with a date night and saw Batman at 10:00pm on Monday night....I'm too old to stay out until 1:00am at a movie. LOL!! Tuesday we went shooting, for my first time! I didn't do too shabby, but I'm nothing compared to Bryce. He's a dead shot, he also didn't want to take a picture, but I thought I'd give everybody a pose!

Wednesday was the big day - Bentley got his tonsils out!! Christy was awesome and kept Cace while we brought Jane with us. Bentley was such a champ. He didn't have any hesitation when Dr. Bikhazi came to say Hi and then when Dr. Simmons' came to discuss the procedure and take him back. Bentley hopped in the wagon as fast as lightning and spoke with him all the way down the hall. It sure makes it easier on a parent to not have your child cry when they are taken away for surgery. We weren't back in the waiting room longer than 20 minutes (Bryce was actually getting us breakfast), when Dr. Bikhazi came back to tell us everything went perfect. He said Bentley's tonsils were pretty dang big as were his adenoids, so he removed the whole bunch!! It was another 15 minutes before they called us back to see him and as soon as he saw us he started crying. I think there's just something about seeing your mom and dad when you're confused and waking up (and of course when you're only 3 years old)! He sat on Bryce's lap and recovered really well. Day 1 and 2 post-surgery were amazing. You wouldn't even know Bentley had had surgery, Day 3 however was just as the doctors' and nurse's described - a whole new ball game. Bentley was painful and temperamental, I had to force him to eat and drink. It was bad. By the time the evening rolled around I had confused him finally that if he ate he would feel much better. Sure enough, 30 minutes later he said "Mom, my tummy doesn't hurt anymore. You're the best!" He's so funny.

Saturday I decided to brave it and go to Dinosaur Park with all the kids, plus Shea and her whole gang, Christy and the girls + Brach and Jaki was there as well with Heather and her kids. Jane like exploded in the parking lot, I should have taken a picture. Poor Brach was covered in poop, it took honestly 30 minutes to clean up the disaster. The park was fun. It wasn't too hot with plenty of shade and the kids loved seeing the dinosaurs and posing in all of the cardboard pictures placed around the park. I forgot my camera, so Shea and Christy have the pictures I want to post! It was a free day - so you never feel pressured to stay too long. It was a great week - busy but always fun to spend time with the family!

The last two pictures are from Sunday. Bentley was feeling a little better so we decided to brave church. I had them all ready and he begged me to take a picture of him and Jane - he's hilarious. He stands in the mirror when I'm getting him ready and says "I look pretty awesome huh mom?!" The other picture is Cace's back, his friend bit him really hard in nursery.....ouch!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Zoo Time!

Although it was hot...a bunch of us went to the zoo today. We all felt like getting out and about, so my boys and I, Ryan and the girls, Ryan's brother and his kids, and Justin and Lana's family all went to the Hogle Zoo! When we first walked in, the Jazz Bear was there. We got his autograph and Cace gave him a high five - but Bentley didn't want anything to do with him. So I stole a quick picture from the side! The new addition Rocky Shores is very cool. The polar bear was right against the glass eating a watermelon, the seals and sea lions were active and swimming for us. The bald eagles were pretty awesome - the kids sat in the nests to show how big it is! Jane was tuckered out, she zonked while I was holding her and she like folded in half!! It was a great day!